Sandwich Cub Scouts
Pack 46
Sandwich Cub Scout
Pack 46
Interested in Joining Cub Scouts? You can at any time.
Contact us: sandwichcubmaster
Our leaders go
through extensive
Youth Protection & leadership training
The Sandwich Cub Scouts are getting ready for our 2022/23 program year. We look forward to an exciting year as we bounce back from the challenges of Covid 19!
Pack 46 is all about fun, adventure, learning, and leadership! Our trained volunteers and parents run an organized and robust program for boys and girls from Kindergarten through 5th grade.
Along with the Cape Cod & Islands Council, we have many fun exciting events planned throughout the year including camping trips, pinewood derby, chuckwagon, pack outings, bike trips, and more. Additionally, we do our best to show the boys the spirit of giving back to the community through service projects such as cleaning up town neck beach, planting trees, donating items to the Sandwich Food Pantry, Otis Food Pantry, and MSPCA, as well as creating care packages and letters to the Troops.
Our leaders are 100% trained and strive to provide experiences that build character, teach teamwork, and develop lasting friendships.
We are also on Facebook. Active members of the Pack can click here to join our site and receive updates: Pack 46 Facebook
New to scouting and have a son or daughter that wants to join? Our first Pack night of the year is in September. Fill out the BSA Youth Application and BSA Health forms and please remember to bring the annual registration fee of $150, checks can be made payable to "Sandwich Pack 46."
Let us know if you plan on attending as this will allow us to get materials set aside for your child to be initiated during our ceremony.
We have several events over the summer listed on the schedule below, feel free to come and check us out.
Want to Join? You can anytime!
Call or Email for details!
Cubmaster Mikaela Strazzulo and James Porter 774-238-8525
Committee Chair Brad Dowie