Pack Meetings
Pack Meetings are generally held the second or third Tuesday of every month at the Forestdale School (exact dates noted below). They begin promptly at 6:30PM and should end around 7:45PM. It is strongly recommended that you arrive at 6:15 to get settled and sign in with your den leader.
2015-2016 Pack Meeting Dates
November 17, 2015
December 15, 2015
January 19, 2016
February 23, 2016
April 26, 2016
May 17, 2016
June 21, 2016 Ice Cream Social
Special Cub Scout Events
There are several events that occur during the year outside of pack meetings. They involve community work, campouts, bike rides, pinewood derby and others. This list will be updated often, so be sure to check them out regularly to keep up with what's happening.
2015-2016 Special Events
Scout Surge
New Cub Recruiting Night
October Bike Hike/Camping
TBD, Charter Organization Clean-up
Sunday, December 6, 2015, Providence Bruins Game 3:05
Saturday, January 30, 2016, Pinewood Derby
Saturday, February 27, 2016 Museum of Science
Saturday, March 19, 2016 Blue&Gold Banquet
Sunday, March 20, 2016, Council Arrow of Light Recognition Ceremony
TBD, Fishing Derby
June 3- 5, 2016, Council Camporee at Camp Greenough
Saturday, June 4, 2016, Chuckwagon Derby
Leader Meetings
Leader Meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at the Little Red Schoolhouse* ("the Hut") next to the Forestdale Firestation. They begin promptly at 7:00PM. There will be a kickoff meeting in August. * During the school house renovation, leaders meetings will be moved to the Forestdale school.
2015-2016 Leader Meeting Dates
November 3, 2015
December 1, 2015
January 5, 2016
February 2, 2016
March 1, 2016
April 5, 2016
May 3, 2016
May TBD, Budget and program meeting
June 7, 2016